Hope For the Holidays
Tis the Season
For many the holidays can bring about a mix of emotions.
Each year we experience blends of memories, traditions, and gatherings. Some people are affected by the season’s change and days with less sunlight experiencing changes in sleep, eating and energy levels. For those reading or friends and family members affected by Seasonal Affect or the “Winter Blues,” HERE is an article by Everyday Heath. The article shares considerations and action steps to integrate into the holiday season that includes the consideration of intentional time in the sunlight, the possible benefits of increased Vitamin D, prioritizing social activities that work for you, sticking with a schedule with the time changes and the value of outdoor movement.
What changes do you experience entering into the Fall and Winter season as you embrace the holidays?
Which of the article’s suggestions would work well for you?
Which of those that stand out will you implement now?
“The solution to an overbusy life is not more time. It’s to slow down and simplify our lives around what really matters.”
Here is what I am Committing to this Holiday Season
John Mark Comer is the author of the helpful book, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.” Comers says that “Attention is the beginning of devotion.” He goes on to say, "Our time is our life, and our attention is the doorway to our hearts.” And, finally, “the solution to an overbusy life is not more time. It’s to slow down and simplify our lives around what really matters.”
Slow Down, Prioritize What Matters and Simplify our Lives around what Really Matters.
*Check in With Acceptance
I will continue to check in with myself every day, speak to myself like someone I love and connect to take care of myself.
Consider the benefits as we seek to love other people as ourselves! I accept where I am right now and where I would like to be.
Coach, Stephen Thomas says it this way,
“I’m lovable while I’m in pain.”
“I’m lovable when I don’t know what to do with my pain.”
“I’m lovable when I don’t know where to go with my pain.”
“I’m lovable while I try to figure out how to respond in a healthy way to my pain.”
“I’m lovable when I succeed.”
“I’m lovable when I fail.”
“I’m lovable enough to go on the journey of learning healthy ways to respond to my pain.”
“I’m lovable enough to be seen and known when I feel weak. I don’t need to hide from myself or others.”
*Sunlight, Outdoors and Movement:
I will go outside and move regularly taking breaks in the day and recognize the benefits of three thirty minute walks weekly or start my day at the gym and continue this plan through the holiday season.
*Be with those I Know and Love
This Christmas my family and I will be with those I know and love. We are intentionally making family a priority and this holiday season I will be present with those I know and love. I heard earlier today that our agency to lead our own lives is a true strength, like the wings of a bird or the bite of a shark. Why wouldn’t we lead ourselves and choose to be where we want to be when we can?
What can you do to be with those you know and love this holiday season?
*Embrace the Passed Memories
Grief and the holidays are often conjoined for me. I will let the memories come up and share with those I love what I am experiencing. I will honor those I have lost and embrace where I am now.
*Embrace the Present Moment
The holidays can be stressful. I will take breaks when necessary. I can take the garbage out on Thanksgiving, go for a walk, call a friend and family member. I also will engage the people in front of me and before the brief moment passes I will choose to embrace the present moment.
These are also great integrations to help jump start the New Year’s buzz!
Max Lucado shared the following in his book Because of Bethlehem,
“The story of Christmas is the story of God’s relentless love for us. The moment Mary touched God’s face is the moment God made his case: there is no place he will not go. If he is willing to be born in a barnyard, then expect him to be at work anywhere. There is no limit to his love. When Christ was born, so was our hope. Christmas reminds us that God became one of us so we could become one with him.”
What changes do you experience entering into the Fall and Winter season as you embrace the holidays?
Which of the article’s suggestions would work well for you?
Which of those that stand out will you implement now?
Josh Neuer is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Greenville, SC. Josh’s Life’s Work is to Create and Capture an Intimate Experience that Makes Room for Hope and Healing. Josh is Passionate about Empowering Meaningful Change in People with Counseling and Growing Communities with Team Engagement and Development. He is the founder of Joshua Neuer, LLC Counseling, a committed husband and father, and is absolutely crazy about relationships!